Since OSHA has no applicable standards, in many of these incidences, our field office have attempted to cite under the General Duty clause, section 5(a)(1) of the OSHact. There have been several fatalitites as a result of derrick collapses caused by the failure of temporary anchors in the oilwell drilling and servicing industry. Consultation Project Managers shall ensure that the information in the Guidelines is provided to appropriate employers and ensure that the copies are available for distribution to the public upon request.į. Regional Administrators shall forward a copy of this instruction to each consultation project manager and explain the technical content when requested. Inform the State designees that they are encouraged to make available the Guidelines to State Plan personnel and appropriate employers.Į. Explain the technical content of this change to the State as requested. Ensure that this change is promptly forwarded to each State designee. Each Regional Administrator, however, shall: 1. This instruction describes a change in the Federal program for which a state response is not required. Regional Administrators and Area Directors shall provide copies of the attached Guideline on the Stability of Well Servicing Derricks to the appropriate Federal an State personnel and ensure that copies are available for distribution to the public upon request.ĭ. This instruction provides guidelines to Federal OSHA and Plan States compliance officers, 7(c)(1) consultants, employers, and employees on the stability of well servicing derricks.ī. Subject: Guielines on the Stability of Well Servicing DerricksĪ. OSHA Instruction PUB 8-1.8 JDirectorate of Technical Support